Pesticide/PCB & Heavy Metals Analysis

The following results are the pesticide and heavy metal testing results for BGX. Through accredited testing facilities BGX was tested for the amount of pesticides and concentration of heavy metals that are present in an undiluted sample of BGX. In summary, BGX has extremely low pesticide content active in solution, where all of the pesticides tested for came out below the reporting limit for the analysis. Additionally, in respect to the heavy metal content in BGX the analysis concluded that the concentrations were all also below the reporting limits. Furthermore, pesticides in soil were tested post treatment of BGX and the results are available below. These analyses provide additional validation of the eco-friendly and non-toxic aspects of BGX.

Xenco Labs

Pesticide Residual in Soil Culiacan

Pesticide Residual in Soil Culiacan (2)

Pesticide Residual in Soil Culiacan (3)

Trace Fertilizer & Lime Analysis


CMC & Surface Tension Analysis


Acute Toxicity Test